- acquired character
- приобретенный признак, приобретенное свойство
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
acquired character — n. Biol. a modification of structure or function caused by environmental factors: now generally regarded as not inheritable: also acquired characteristic … English World dictionary
acquired character — Genetics. a noninheritable character that results from certain environmental influences. [1875 80] * * * acquired behaviour or acquired character noun Behaviour or character originating in the adaptation of an organism to its environment, not… … Useful english dictionary
acquired character — įgytasis požymis statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Nepaveldimas požymis, įgytas ontogenezės metu. atitikmenys: angl. acquired character rus. приобретённый признак … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
acquired character — acquired′ char′acter n. gen a noninheritable trait that results from certain environmental influences • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
acquired character — Genetics. a noninheritable character that results from certain environmental influences. [1875 80] * * * ▪ biology in biology, modification in structure or function acquired by an organism during its life, caused by environmental factors.… … Universalium
acquired character — (also acquired characteristic) noun Biology a change in an organ or tissue due to use, disuse, or environmental effects, and not inherited … English new terms dictionary
acquired character — A trait or somatic modification that originates during the life of an organism as the result of an environmental or functional cause … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
acquired character — a noninheritable modification produced in an animal as a result of its own activities or of environmental influences … Medical dictionary
acquired behaviour — or acquired character noun Behaviour or character originating in the adaptation of an organism to its environment, not inherited • • • Main Entry: ↑acquire … Useful english dictionary
character — characterless, adj. /kar ik teuhr/, n. 1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. 2. one such feature or trait; characteristic. 3. moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character … Universalium
Character — • A consideration of the term as it is used in psychology and ethics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Character Character † … Catholic encyclopedia